Saturday, October 31, 2009

**Update Kmart Deal On Clorox Wipes Not Working**

I just stopped by Kmart and the Clorox deal did not work for me. First I did not find any blinkies with Clorox cpns in the store. Secondly, when I cashed out the cashier only let me use 1 cpn. I had a .50 off 1 and a buy 2 G1 Free. He wouldn't let me use both. I used the buy 2 G1 Free. So for three 35 count Clorox wipes I paid $5.33 with tax. Around $1.80 each. Not bad but free would have been much better.
Also I did not receive any Catalina deal. If any one else gets this deal to work I would love to know!


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